Accelerate target identification and validation with eProtein Discovery™

Increase your chances of successful target identification and validation with our eProtein Discovery™ protein prototyping system, designed to give you answers in 24 hours and protein in 48 hours.

Bet on the winner right away.


Optimize your target identification

Simultaneously analyze constructs, expression conditions and purifiability to find the winners for scale up.


Produce proteins on your terms

Purify µg to low mg quantities of your functional, fit-for-purpose protein yourself!


Explore multiple protein variations

Screen protein isoforms, mutations, and more for simplified target identification.


Step forward with confidence

Assess the feasibility of your project by quickly testing candidate proteins.

Revolutionize target identification with eProtein DiscoveryTM

Test hypotheses faster

Fail fast. Succeed faster.

Protein expression programs are lengthy processes, requiring an average of 4-6 weeks to complete and significant investment which can vary based on the protein.

Nuclera’s smart cartridge offers the possibility to test up to 24 DNA constructs in 8 different cell-free expression systems, simultaneously covering a total of 192 unique conditions!

Significantly reducing the turnaround time of target discovery, our technology identifies the most promising proteins within days.

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Get soluble proteins

Overcome Protein Solubility Challenges

Proof of optimal expression in a Screen. CFPS samples expressed on eProtein Discovery™.

Protein solubility is fundamental in drug development and pharmaceutical applications. Identifying the best protein expression system to obtain a soluble protein is a crucial determinant of the future success in an extensive, costly project.

Nuclera’s technology offers multiple DNA construct screening and protein synthesis reagents for solubility assessment.

With eProtein DiscoveryTM, you can confidently move forward knowing that you have the ideal, soluble protein in your hands!

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Get active proteins

Overcome Protein Functionality Challenges

Not all proteins synthesized from DNA constructs will be biologically active. Therefore, it is essential that protein functionality is tested and validated early on to ensure the viability of future therapeutic use - we get your custom protein sooner so can rapidly test activity.

Our rapid eProtein DiscoveryTM system offers insights regarding specific traits and functionality of your proteins, increasing your chances of identifying the most suitable candidate fit for your purpose while minimizing your investment and decision-making time.

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Get purifiable proteins

Overcome Protein Purification Challenges

Access valuable information right after your eProtein DiscoveryTM -assisted screening! Our built-in software provides you with an overview of your proteins, indicating the predicted yields of each construct so you select the optimal candidate prior to purification. The system will then provide purifiability metrics on up to 30 candidates.

You’ll then be able to select candidates to scale up and purify (up to 500 μg) of your fit-for-purpose protein directly from your benchtop.

Purify enough soluble expressed protein for downstream applications, in record time!


How does eProtein DiscoveryTM fit into your workflow?

Employ eProtein DiscoveryTM at the drug discovery phase for target identification and validation. eProtein DiscoveryTM allows protein scientists and engineers to get soluble, active protein more quickly for downstream applications. It all happens on your own benchtop, your way.


Access the protein you need. Accelerate your breakthroughs.

Our team is ready to answer your questions, get your lab set up, and help you reap the benefits of protein prototyping today.