eProtein Discovery™ - Early Access Program
We're looking for 20 protein innovators for our Early Access Program.
Get answers faster and power-up drug discovery workflows by screening and synthesizing proteins on your own terms, on your own bench.

What is eProtein DiscoveryTM ?
The only end-to-end protein prototyping system that accelerates construct design, expression, solubility characterization and purification of target proteins in drug discovery programs.
Explore more proteins and faster than before; efficiently test your hypotheses and maximize your opportunity to identify and focus on targets that win.
Rapidly identify the best recipes for making your protein, test expression feasibility earlier, and pursue targets with confidence. Fail fast, succeed faster!
48 hr Rapid protein turnaround
Turn DNA into purified soluble, active protein in 48 hours (up to 100μg) — don’t wait weeks or months ever again!
192 Shots on goal
Gain the power to simultaneously screen multiple constructs and expression conditions to get your protein more quickly.
Explore 24 protein variations
Screen and obtain homologs, orthologs, mutations and isoforms.
Simple 3 step workflow
Working with the system is easy and accessible to all levels of scientist, with intuitively designed software and automated workflow.
“What you’re doing could change everything we do at the benchtop."
Principal Scientist
Pharmaceuticals Division,
Lead Discovery
Top 20 Pharma Organization
(from the Alpha Test Programme)
Why join the Early Access Program?
- Be among a select group to gain access to the technology.
- Get easy access to our scientists, engineers and product development team to provide input into the development of the platform and its features.
- Get access to premium installation, onboarding and on-hand support for your protein projects.
Application Process
- Complete the form with your details.
Add any pertinent information to the comments section. (e.g. protein classes, your department's role within your company/institution) - Wait for the team to process your application (within 1 week)
- We'll reach out to arrange a call.
Applications Open - until Nov 2023
Installation in Labs - Spring 2024